IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.3

Using the Software

This chapter describes how to use the software. It consists of:

Entering Commands

When typing a command, remember the following:

Connecting to a Process

When you start the device, the console displays a boot message. The OPCON prompt (*) then appears on the screen indicating that you are in the OPCON process and you can begin entering OPCON commands. This is the command prompt from which you communicate with different processes.

Commands that are needed more often appear before the "- - - - -" separator. Enter the appropriate command at the OPCON prompt (*). See Table 3 for a list of commands.

Alternatively, you can:

  1. Find out the process ID (PID) number of a process by entering the status command at the * prompt.

    The status command displays information about the device processes, such as the process IDs (PIDs), process names and status of the process. Issuing the status command is shown in the following example:

          * status
          Pid  Name      Status TTY  Comments
          1    COpCn1    RDY    TTY0
          2    Monitr    DET     --
          3    Tasker    RDY     --
          4    MOSDBG    DET     --
          5    CGWCon    DET     --
          6    Config    DET     --
          7    ELScon    DET     --
          8    ROpCn1    IDL    TTY1
          9    ROpCn2    IDL    TTY2

  2. Use the talk pid command, where pid is the number of the process to which you want to connect. (For more information about these and other OPCON commands, refer to "What is the OPCON Process?".)
    Note:Not every process listed has a user interface (for example, the talk 3 process). The talk 4 command is for use by your service representatives.

Identifying Prompts

Each process uses a different prompt. You can tell which process your console is connected to by looking at the prompt. (If the prompt does not appear when you enter the talk pid command, press Enter again.)

The following list shows the prompts for the five main processes:

Table 1. Processes, Their Purpose, and Commands to Access
Process Level and Purpose Command to Access Input Prompt
OPCON Level 1 - access to all secondary levels Ctrl-P asterisk (*)
CONFIG Level 2 - base services configuration and access to configuration third level Configuration or talk 6 Config >
GWCON Level 2 - base services operation and monitoring and access to operations and monitoring on third level Console or talk 5 plus sign (+)
MONITR Level 2 - message display Event or talk 2 (none)
ELSCon Level 2 - direct monitoring and access to ELS console els or talk 7 ELS Secondary Console>
MOSDBG Level 2 - diagnostic environment talk 4 db>
DIAGS Level 2 - run hardware diagnostics diags
Note:Only enter the talk 4 command under the direction of a service representative.

At the OPCON prompt level, you can begin to enter commands from the keyboard. Use the Backspace key to delete the last character typed in on the command line. Use Ctrl-U to delete the whole command line entry so that you can reenter a command. See "Command Completion" and "Command History" for additional details or press Escape ?.

Getting Help

At the command prompts, you can obtain help in the form of a listing of the commands available at that level. To do this, type ? (the help command), and then press Enter. Use ? to list the commands that are available from the current level. You can usually enter a ? after a specific command name to list its options.

Exiting a Lower Level Environment

The multiple-level nature of the software places you in secondary, tertiary, and even lower level environments as you configure or operate the 2212. To return to the next higher level, enter the exit command. To get to the secondary level, continue entering exit until you receive the secondary level prompt (either Config> or +).

For example, to exit the ASRT protocol configuration process:

ASRT config> exit

If you need to get to the primary level (OPCON), enter the intercept character (Ctrl-P by default).

Getting Back to OPCON

To get back to the OPCON prompt (*), press Ctrl-P. You must always return to OPCON before you can communicate with another process. For example, if you are connected to the console (GWCON) process and you want to connect to the CONFIG process, you must press Ctrl-P to return to OPCON first. The Ctrl-P key combination is the default intercept character.

If you use the intercept character from a third-level or lower level menu to return to the * prompt, the next time you use the talk command to talk to the same process, you will reenter that same level menu. This link goes away when the device is re-initialized.

Some Configuration Suggestions

Configuring a 2212 is different depending on whether you are configuring for the first time, creating a configuration based on an existing configuration, or just updating a configuration. Use the following sections as a guide to the best procedure to use, depending on your needs.

Creating a First Configuration

This procedure assumes that you have no other 2212 that contains a configuration similar to the one for the 2212 you are configuring. The procedure also assumes that you have just taken the 2212 out of the box. Although this procedure specifies an order, you can perform the actual configuration (after step 3) in any order.

To configure a IBM 2212 for the first time:

  1. Examine the 2212 you are configuring to determine which interfaces you need to configure. Note these for later use.

  2. Connect to the 2212 as described in Accessing the Software Using Local and Remote Consoles.

  3. Initially configure a port on the 2212 and at least an internal IP address for the device using Quick Config as described in Quick Configuration or Appendix A, Quick Configuration Reference. Configure the minimum needed to allow you to Telnet into the device.

  4. Configure any base services, such as boot options. Access the configuration process as described in Accessing the Configuration Process, CONFIG (Talk 6).

  5. Configure the interfaces. Access the interface configuration process as described in Accessing the Network Interface Configuration Process.

  6. Configure any required features. Access the feature configuration process as described in Accessing Feature Configuration and Operating Processes.

  7. Configure any protocols that will run through this device. Access the protocol configuration process as described in Accessing Protocol Configuration and Operating Processes.
    Note:At the very least, you will configure IP in this step.

  8. Restart the device as described in Reloading or Restarting the Device.

Basing a Configuration on an Existing Configuration

This section describes how to:

Basing on an Existing Configuration

If you already have a 2212 that has the same interfaces, features, and protocols that you want to configure on a new 2212, you can save time by basing the configuration on the existing 2212. You can perform this type of configuration either using the command line interface or by using the configuration program that comes with the 2212. In both cases, the procedures assume that the 2212 is not in your production network.

To base a configuration on an existing configuration using the command line interface:

  1. Obtain a copy of the configuration you want to use.

    1. Enter talk 6 at the OPCON (*) prompt.

    2. Enter boot at the Config> prompt.

    3. Enter the tftp put configuration file command at the Boot config> prompt. See Using BOOT Config to Perform Change Management for more information.

  2. Connect to the 2212 that you are configuring.

  3. Load the configuration you obtained in step 1 into the 2212 using TFTP GET. See Using BOOT Config to Perform Change Management.

  4. Update the configuration.

  5. Write the configuration. See What is CONFIG?.

  6. Reload the 2212.

To base a configuration on an existing configuration using the configuration program:

  1. Start the configuration program.

  2. Retrieve the configuration from the 2212 on which you want to base the new configuration.

  3. Make the changes you need for the new configuration. These changes include addresses, the host names, users, and other items.

  4. Save the configuration with a different name from the name that you used to retrieve the configuration.

  5. Send the configuration to the 2212 you are configuring.

  6. Reload the 2212.

For more about using the configuration program, see Configuration Program User's Guide for Multiprotocol and Access Services Products.

Permanently Updating a Configuration

To permanently update a configuration:

  1. Access the 2212 you are updating as described in Accessing the Software Using Local and Remote Consoles. You will see the * prompt.

  2. Enter the talk 6 command to access the configuration process.

  3. Enter the appropriate commands to access the third-level process that configures the areas that you are changing.

  4. Enter exit as many times as needed to return to the configuration process.

  5. Write the configuration. See What is CONFIG?.

  6. Reload the 2212.

Temporarily Updating a Configuration

The ability to temporarily update a configuration allows you to make changes to some of the operating characteristics of a 2212 until you can make permanent updates to the configuration. This enables you to implement changes immediately to resolve problems or improve performance and avoid an outage during a peak period. You can then make permanent updates to the configuration and schedule an outage so you can restart or reload to pick up the change.

To temporarily update a configuration:

  1. Access the 2212 you are updating as described in Accessing the Software Using Local and Remote Consoles. You will see the * prompt.

  2. Enter the talk 5 command to access the operating/monitoring process.
    Note:Not all interface types, protocols, or features allow you to make temporary config changes via talk 5 commands.

  3. Enter the appropriate commands to access the third-level process that monitors the areas that you are changing.

  4. Enter exit as many times as needed to return to the operating/monitoring process.

  5. Enter Ctrl-P to return to the * prompt.

  6. Exit the device as described in Exiting the Device

Accessing the Second-Level Processes

All interfaces, features, and protocols have commands that you use to access the following processes:

You can also configure or operate some base system services through the second-level processes. The commands to perform these functions are described starting in What is CONFIG?.

The next sections describe the procedures for accessing the second-level processes.

Accessing the Configuration Process, CONFIG (Talk 6)

Each protocol configuration process is accessed through the device's CONFIG process. CONFIG is the second-level process of the device user interface that lets you communicate with third-level processes. Protocol processes are examples of third-level processes.

The CONFIG command interface is made up of levels of menus. Protocol configuration command interfaces are menus within the CONFIG interface. Each protocol configuration interface has its own prompt. For example, the prompt for the SNMP protocol command interface is SNMP config>.

The next sections describe these procedures in more detail.

Entering the CONFIG Process

To enter the CONFIG process from OPCON and obtain the CONFIG prompt, enter the configuration command. Alternatively, you can enter the OPCON talk command and the PID for CONFIG. The PID for CONFIG is 6.

* configuration


* talk 6

The console displays the CONFIG prompt (Config>). If the prompt does not appear, press the Enter key again.

Quick Configuration Process

Quick Configuration, or Quick Config, allows you to quickly configure portions of the device without dealing with the specific operating system commands. You enter the Quick Config menus from the CONFIG process using the qconfig command (see Quick Configuration).

Restarting or Reloading the Device

Changes that you make to the protocol parameters through CONFIG do not take effect until you either activate the interface or reset the interface or protocol that contains any dynamic changes or the device software.
Note:You can also use the write command to save the changes on the hardfile or compact flash.

Accessing the Console Operating/Monitoring Process, GWCON (Talk 5)

To view information about the interfaces, features, or protocols or to change parameters while running, you must access and use the operating (monitoring) process. Operating command interfaces are modes of the GWCON interface. Within the GWCON mode, each interface, feature, or protocol interface has its own prompt. For example, the prompt for the SNMP protocol is SNMP>.
Note:Any parameters you change in this process will not remain active across any event that causes the 2212 to reload the operational code, such as a power outage or entering the reload command.

The next sections describe these procedures in more detail.

Entering the GWCON Command Process

To enter the GWCON process from OPCON and obtain the GWCON prompt, enter the console command. Alternatively, you may enter the talk command and the PID for GWCON. The PID for GWCON is 5. For example:

* console


* talk 5

The GWCON prompt (+) then displays on the console. If the prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

Accessing the Secondary ELS Console Process, ELSCon (Talk 7)

The Secondary ELS Console provides convenient access to GWCON talk 5 ELS without disrupting the current state of GWCON. You may be in the middle of a ping in talk 5, or deep inside a talk 5 menu structure, and want to control ELS without disrupting the current state of GWCON. The secondary ELS console (Talk 7) serves this purpose.

To enter the Secondary ELS Console (ELScon) process from OPCON and obtain the Secondary ELS Console prompt, enter the els command. Alternatively, you may enter the talk 7 command.

In the following example, another ELS event is displayed while performing a ping command.
Note:The intercept character (Ctrl-P by default) is used to obtain the OPCON prompt (*).

 *talk 5                                                        
 +protocol ip                                                   
 PING -> 56 data bytes, ttl=64, every 1 sec. 
 *talk 7                                                        
 ELS Secondary Console>display event ip.7                       
 ELS Secondary Console>                                         
 *talk 2                                                        
 00:20:48   IP.007: ->                        
 00:20:49   IP.007: ->                        

Accessing the Third-Level Processes

After accessing the second level, you must enter commands on the third level to configure or operate the interfaces, features, and protocols in your IBM 2212. The following sections describe how to access the third level processes.

Adding Devices

This section describes how to use the add device command to configure the network interfaces. A network interface is usually an adapter, but it can also be a definition used by an operating process. For example, two IP addresses can be assigned to one port and each one is considered an interface. After you establish an interface using the add device command, you can access the network interface configuration and operating processes, for example, the Talk 5 monitoring processes. These processes are used to change and monitor the software-configurable parameters for the network interfaces that are used in your device.

Accessing the Network Interface Configuration Process

Use the following procedure to access the device's configuration process. This process gives you access to a specific interface's configuration process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter the configuration command.
    * configuration

    After you enter the configuration command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the console. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Enter again.

    Use the add device command to create a network interface. The add device command automatically assigns the interface number. (Enter add device ? to get a list of the supported device types.)

    On the IBM 2212, interfaces 1-4 are automatically created for the integrated WAN ports when you create a new configuration. When you use the add device command to add an interface for a 1-port Token Ring or 1-port Ethernet PMC adapter, you are not prompted for the slot number. On the 1U model of the IBM 2212, you are not prompted for the slot number when using the add device command because the slot number can be determined from the adapter type (slot 1 if the adapter type is a PMC adapter and slot 2 if it is any other adapter type).

    The 2212 has a coprocessor called the Compression/Encryption adapter (CEA). This coprocessor is added using the add device cea command. It has an interface number that is provided by the IBM 2212 software, but it does not have a port to the network.

    These are the types of devices that are supported:

    1. Multi-port adapters

      When you specify a multi-port adapter device name with the add device command, you are prompted for the adapter's slot number and the port number on the adapter that you want to use for the interface.

      If you want to use multiple ports on an adapter, you must enter the add device command multiple times and specify a different port number each time.

      Config>add dev e1-2port-isdn
      Device Slot #(1-4) [1]? 3
      Device Port Range (1-2) [1]?
        Adding 2-port ISDN Primary E1 device in slot 3 port 1 as interfaces #4.
      Use "net 4" to configure 8-port ISDN Primary E1 parameters. 

    2. Single-port adapters

      When you specify a single-port adapter device name with the add device command, you are prompted for the adapter's slot number.

      The following example adds an interface for the ISDN basic adapter:

      Config>add dev e1-1port-isdn
      Device Slot #(1-4) [1]? 3
      Adding ISDN Basic device in slot 3  port 1 as interface #4
      Use "net 4" to configure 1-port ISDN Primary E1 parameters

    3. Dial circuits

      The following example adds a dial circuit interface:

         Config> add device dial-circuit
         Enter the number of PPP Dial Circuit interfaces [1]?
         Adding device as interface 8
         Base net for this circuit[0]?4
         Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
         Use "set data-link" command to change the data-link protocol
         Use "net 8" command to configure circuit parameters 

    4. The following example adds a dial-in circuit:
      Config>add device dial-in
      Enter the number of dial-in interfaces [1]?
      Adding device as interface 5
      Base net for this circuit [0]? 5
      Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
      Use "set data-link" command to change the data-link protocol
      Use "net 5" command to configure circuit parameters

    5. Multilink PPP

      The following example adds a multilink PPP interface:

      Config>add device multilink-ppp
      Enter the number of Multilink PPP interfaces [1]?
      Adding device as interface 7
      Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
      Use "net 7" command to configure circuit parameters

    6. Compression/encryption adapter (CEA):

      The following example adds a CEA adapter, which is a coprocessor and has no port:

      Config>add device cea


    1. When you create interfaces for serial adapters or dial circuits, the default data-link type is PPP. However, you can use the set data-link command to change the data-link type. Refer to Table 2 for the data-link types supported on serial ports and dial circuits, and to the description of the set data-link command on page ***.

  2. At the Config> prompt, enter the list devices command to display the network interface numbers for which the device is currently configured, as follows:

    Config>li dev
    Ifc 0     WAN PPP                          
    Ifc 1     WAN PPP                          
    Ifc 2     WAN PPP                          
    Ifc 3     WAN PPP                          
    Ifc 4     1-port IBM Token Ring              Slot: 5   Port: 1 
    Ifc 5     2-port IBM Token Ring              Slot: 1   Port: 1 
    Ifc 6     2-port IBM Token Ring              Slot: 1   Port: 2 
    Ifc 7     2-port IBM Token Ring              Slot: 2   Port: 1 
    Ifc 8     2-port IBM Token Ring              Slot: 2   Port: 2 
    Ifc 9     2-port 10/100 Ethernet             Slot: 3   Port: 1 
    Ifc 10    2-port 10/100 Ethernet             Slot: 3   Port: 2 
    Ifc 11    ISDN Basic                         Slot: 4   Port: 1 

  3. Record the interface numbers.

  4. Enter the CONFIG network command and the number of the interface you want to configure. For example:
    Config> network 1

    The appropriate configuration prompt (such as TKR Config> for token-ring), now displays on the console.

Note:Not all network interfaces are user-configurable. For interfaces that cannot be configured, you receive the message:
     That network is not configurable

Displaying the Interface Configuration

From the same interface configuration prompts, you can list configuration information specific to that selected interface by using the list command. For example:

     TKR Config> list
     Token-Ring configuration:
     Speed:                    16 Mb/sec
     Media:                    Shielded
     RIF Aging Timer:          120     Source Routing:           Enabled
     MAC Address:              000000000000

Configuring the Network Interface

Refer to the specific chapters in this guide for complete information on configuring your IBM 2212's network interfaces.

Table 2 lists network architectures and the supported interfaces for each architecture.

Table 2. Network Architecture and the Supported Interfaces
Network Architecture Supported Interfaces
802.5 Token-Ring  2-Port Token-Ring 

  • 1-port Token-Ring PMC

  • 2-port Token-Ring CPCI
  • 1-port 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PMC
  • 2-Port 10/100 Mbps Ethernet CPCI

  • 2-Port Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
  • 2-Port ISDN-PRI (T1/J1)*
  • 2-Port ISDN-PRI (E1)*
  • 1-Port ISDN-PRI (T1/J1) *
  • 1-Port ISDN-PRI (E1) *
  • Digital Modem adapter*


  1. The interfaces marked with an asterisk (*) can be used either as ISDN or channelized interfaces.
Point-to-Point Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter, dial circuit interfaces
Frame Relay Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter, dial circuit interfaces
X.25 Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter, dial circuit interfaces
SDLC Relay Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter
Bisync Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter
SDLC Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter, dial circuit interfaces
V.25bis Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter
  • Integrated WAN ports, 4-port WAN adapter
  • 4-port Analog Modem adapter

Dial-Out Supports DIALs and Telnet dial-out over V.34 base interfaces
Dial-In A PPP dial circuit interface that has configuration parameters defaulted to support DIALs
Multilink PPP (MP) Supported on any PPP link
L2TP, L2F, and PPTP Supports virtual PPP DIALs connections through the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F), and Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).
Voice Over Frame Relay Voice FXO, FXS, and E&M adapters.


  1. PPP dial circuit interfaces can use ISDN, a V.34 network, or V.25bis as the base network interface.

  2. FR dial circuit interfaces can use an ISDN or a V.25bis network as the base network interface.

  3. Dial-Out circuit interfaces use a V.34 network as the base network interface.

  4. Dial-In circuit interfaces can use an ISDN or V.34 network as the base network interface.

  5. SDLC dial circuits use V.25bis as the base network interface.

  6. X.25 uses the ISDN BRI D-channel as the base network interface.

Compression/Encryption (CEA) adapter

Accessing the Network Interface Console Process

To monitor information related to a specific device, access the console process by using the following procedure:

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter the console command . For example:
    * console

  2. The GWCON prompt (+) is displayed on the console. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter GWCON, press Enter again.

  3. At the GWCON prompt, enter the configuration command. For example:
    Access Integration Services
    2212-AIS Feature 3763 V3.2 Mod 0 PTF 0 RPQ 0 AIS.EH5   cc_156c
    Num Name  Protocol
    3   ARP    Address Resolution
    7   IPX    NetWare IPX
    11  SNMP   Simple Network Management Protocol
    23  ASRT   Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Enhanced Bridge
    24  HST    TCP/IP Host Services
    25  LNM    LAN Network Manager
    Num Name  Feature
    2   MCF    MAC Filtering
    9   DIALs  Dial-in Access to LANs
    10  AUTH   Authentication
    11 Total Networks:
    Net  Interface   MAC/Data-Link        Hardware                       State
    0    PPP/0       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Up
    1    PPP/1       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    2    PPP/2       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    3    PPP/3       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    4    TKR/0       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    5    TKR/1       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Not present
    6    TKR/2       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Not present
    7    TKR/3       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    8    TKR/4       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    9    Eth/0       Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  10/100 Ethernet                Up
    10   Eth/1       Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  10/100 Ethernet                Down

  4. Enter the GWCON network command and the number of the interface that you want to monitor. For example:
    + network 11

    In this example, the X.25 console prompt is displayed on the console. You can then view information about the X.25 interface by entering the X.25 console commands.

Monitoring the Network Interface

Refer to the specific chapters in this manual for complete information on monitoring your 2212's network interfaces.

Accessing Feature Configuration and Operating Processes

To help you access the Access Integration Services feature configuration and operating processes, this section outlines both of these procedures.

Accessing the Feature Processes

Use the feature command from the CONFIG process to access configuration commands for specific Access Integration Services features outside of the protocol and network interface configuration processes.

Use the feature command from the GWCON process to access console commands for specific features that are outside of the protocol and network interface console processes.

Enter a question mark after the feature command to display a listing of the features available for your software release. For example:

     Config> feature ?
     Feature name or number [1] ?

To access a particular feature's configuration or operating prompt, enter the feature command at the Config> or + (GWCON) prompt, respectively, followed by the feature number or short name. For example:

     Config> feature mcf
     MAC filtering user configuration
     Filter Config>

Table 9 lists the available feature numbers and names.

Once you access the configuration or operating prompt for a feature, you can begin entering specific commands for the feature. To return to the previous prompt level, enter the exit command at the feature's prompt.

Accessing Protocol Configuration and Operating Processes

This section describes how to access the protocol configuration and operating processes.

Entering a Protocol Configuration Process

To enter the desired protocol configuration process from the CONFIG> prompt:

  1. At the CONFIG> prompt, enter the list configuration command to see the numbers and names of the protocols purchased in your copy of the software. See page *** for sample output of the list configuration command.

  2. From the Config> prompt, enter the protocol command with the number or short name (for example, SNMP) of the protocol you want to configure. The protocol number and short name is obtained from the list configuration command display. In the following example, the command has been entered for accessing the SNMP protocol configuration process:
    Config> protocol SNMP


    Config> protocol 11
    SNMP user configuration

    The protocol configuration prompt then displays on the console. The following example shows the SNMP protocol configuration prompt:

    SNMP config>

You can now begin entering the protocol's configuration commands. See the corresponding protocol section of the Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference for more information on specific protocol configuration commands.

In summary, the protocol command lets you enter the configuration process for the protocol software installed in your device. The protocol command enters a protocol's command process. After entering the protocol command, the prompt of the specified protocol appears. From the prompt, you can enter commands specific to that protocol.

Entering a Protocol Operating Process

To enter a protocol console process from the GWCON prompt:

  1. At the GWCON prompt, enter the configuration command to see the protocols and networks configured for the device. For example:
    Access Integration Services
    2212-AIS Feature 3763 V3.2 Mod 0 PTF 0 RPQ 0 AIS.EH5   cc_156c
    Num Name  Protocol
    3   ARP    Address Resolution
    7   IPX    NetWare IPX
    11  SNMP   Simple Network Management Protocol
    23  ASRT   Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Enhanced Bridge
    24  HST    TCP/IP Host Services
    25  LNM    LAN Network Manager
    Num Name  Feature
    2   MCF    MAC Filtering
    9   DIALs  Dial-in Access to LANs
    10  AUTH   Authentication
    11 Total Networks:
    Net  Interface   MAC/Data-Link        Hardware                       State
    0    PPP/0       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Up
    1    PPP/1       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    2    PPP/2       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    3    PPP/3       Point to Point       SCC Serial Line                Down
    4    TKR/0       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    5    TKR/1       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Not present
    6    TKR/2       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Not present
    7    TKR/3       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    8    TKR/4       Token-Ring/802.5     IBM Token Ring                 Up
    9    Eth/0       Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  10/100 Ethernet                Up
    10   Eth/1       Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  10/100 Ethernet                Down

  2. Enter the GWCON protocol command with the protocol number or short name of the desired protocol displayed in the configuration information.

    In the following example, the command has been entered for accessing the SNMP protocol console process.

    + protocol 11


    + protocol SNMP

    The protocol console prompt then displays on the console. This example shows the SNMP protocol console prompt:


You can now begin entering the protocol's commands. See the corresponding protocol section of the Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference for more information on specific protocol console commands.

Command Completion

The automatic command completion function assists you with the syntax for commands entered at the command line.

To illustrate the behavior of Command Completion, assume that the following commands are allowed in a given menu context. (This is an example menu only.)






Online Help When Command Completion is Enabled

The following online help is available when command-completion is enabled.

See page *** for the enable command-completion syntax.

Question mark displays a list of possible completions. A message appears if the command is already complete.

Space Bar
Attempts to complete the current word on the command line. If a unique match is not found, possible completions are listed.

Attempts to complete the current word on the command line. If a unique match is not found, possible completions are listed and you may cycle through these possible completions using the Tab key. Use the Space Bar or the Enter key to select the currently displayed command.

Attempts to complete the current word on the command line. If the command is complete, Enter executes the command and stores it in the Command History. If the command is incomplete, a list of possible completions is displayed.

Returns to the MOS Operator Console prompt (*). (Ctrl-P is the default Intercept Character.)

Deletes the last character on the command line.

Deletes the last word on the command line.

Aborts the current command.

Refreshes the current command line to display its contents.

Retrieve Backward. Replaces the current command line with the previous command in the circular Command History.

Retrieve Forward. Replaces the current command line with the next command in the Command History.

Marks the start of a Repeat Sequence in the Command History. Use with the Ctrl-N function.

Replaces the current command line with the next command in the Repeat Sequence whose starting command was marked with Ctrl-R.

Cancels Easy-Start, if active.

Escape ?
Escape, followed by "?" prints this Command Line Help:

The following rules apply to automatic command completion:

Online Help When Command Completion is Disabled

The following online help is available when command-completion is disabled:

When a ? (Question Mark) is entered at the end of the command line, a list of possible completions is shown.

Executes the command and stores it in the Command History. A message is printed if the command is not fully specified

Returns to the MOS Operator Console prompt (*). (Ctrl-P is the default Intercept Character.)

Deletes the last character on the command line.

Aborts the current command.

Retrieve Backward. Replaces the current command line with the previous command in the circular Command History.

Retrieve Forward. Replaces the current command line with the next command in the Command History.

Marks the start of a Repeat Sequence in the Command History. Use with the Ctrl-N function.

Replaces the current command line with the next command in the Repeat Sequence whose starting command was marked with Ctrl-R.

Cancels Easy-Start, if active.

Escape ?
Escape, followed by "?" prints this Command Line Help:

Command Completion is currently Disabled.  To Enable this option,
use the enable command-completion command from Configuration talk 6.

Command History

The Command History contains up to the last 50 commands entered by the user in OPCON, GWCON (Talk 5) or CONFIG (Talk 6) command line menus.

Backward and Forward retrieve keys can be used to recall previously entered commands. In addition, a facility is provided to enable the advanced user to repeat a particular series of commands.

Repeating a Command in the Command History

By pressing Ctrl-B (backward) or Ctrl-F (forward) at any command line prompt in an OPCON, GWCON or CONFIG menu, the current command line is replaced by the previous or next command in the Command History. The Command History is common across the command line interface. That is, a command entered while in a GWCON menu can be retrieved from within CONFIG and a command entered while in a CONFIG menu can be retrieved from within GWCON.

When automatic Command Completion is enabled (See"Command Completion") and a Command History retrieve key (Ctrl-B,F,N) is pressed, the Command History is scanned for a command that successfully parses in the current command context. A tone will be sounded if no such command exists.

The Command History contains the most recently entered commands, up to a maximum of the last 50 commands. If only three commands have been entered since a restart, pressing Ctrl-F or Ctrl-B circles through only those three commands. If no commands have been entered thus far, Ctrl-F or Ctrl-B results in tone sound.
Note:A command aborted by pressing Ctrl-U will not be entered into the Command History. When Command Completion is enabled, only complete commands are entered into the Command History.

To enter two similar commands:

display sub les

display sub lec


display sub les, then press Enter

Ctrl-B for Backward, and the current line is replaced with-

display sub les

Press Backspace and replace "s" with "c" to get

display sub lec and then press Enter

Repeating a Series of Commands in the Command History

There is an additional feature for advanced users to facilitate repeating a particular series of GWCON or CONFIG commands. C1, C2,...,Cn in the Command History is referred to as a repeat sequence. This feature may be more convenient than simply using Ctrl-B and Ctrl-F when you must repeat a given task that requires multiple commands. Enter Ctrl-R (repeat) to set the start of the repeat sequence at command C1. Enter Ctrl-N (next) successively to retrieve the next command in the repeat sequence. Commands are not automatically entered, but are placed on the current command line allowing you to modify or enter the command.

To produce the desired behavior of a repeat sequence, the first command retrieved using the first Ctrl-N (next) depends on the manner in which the start of the repeat sequence was set using Ctrl-R (repeat).

Setting the start of the repeat sequence with Ctrl-R can be done in two ways:

  1. When C1 is initially entered

  2. When C1 is retrieved from the Command History with Ctrl-B or Ctrl-F.

Starting a Repeat Sequence As Commands Are Entered

If you enter Ctrl-R as command C1 is being keyed in, and then enter commands C2, C3... Cn. Ctrl-N will successively bring commands C1, C2, ... Cn, C1, C2, ... Cn, C1, ... to the command line.

In Example 1, the start of the repeat sequence is set as the first command is keyed in. The user knows ahead of time that the same commands to be entered in GWCON need to be repeated in CONFIG.

Example 1

  1. As the first command in the sequence is keyed in, use Ctrl-R (repeat) to set the start of the repeat sequence.
      +event Ctrl-R 

    then press Enter to set the start of the repeat sequence.

  2. Continue typing the subsequent commands in the sequence:
    Event Logging System user console
      ELS>display sub les
      ELS>display sub lec

  3. To enter these same commands in CONFIG, press

    Ctrl-P (the default OPCON intercept character) and go to CONFIG.

      +-press Ctrl-P-
      Config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the start of this sequence-
      Config>event Enter
      Event Logging System user configuration
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>display sub les Enter
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>display sub lec Enter
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>exit Enter

Starting a Repeat Sequence After All Commands Are Entered

On the other hand, if you first enter C1, C2, ... Cn, and retrieve C1 via Ctrl-B or Ctrl-F. Entering Ctrl-R, entering Ctrl-N successively brings commands C2,..., Cn, C1, C2,..., Cn, C1,...,Cn to the command line (see Example 2). The first occurrence of C1 is bypassed since C1 is already available on the command line at the time it was retrieved, and does not need to be recalled again by the first Ctrl-N.

In Example 2, all the commands are entered and then the first command in the sequence to be repeated is retrieved. A sequence of commands has been entered in GWCON, and the same sequence needs to be repeated in CONFIG.

Example 2

  1. Enter the following commands in GWCON:
     Event Logging System user console
     ELS>display sub les
     ELS>display sub lec

  2. To enter these same commands in CONFIG, press Ctrl-P (the default OPCON intercept character) and go to CONFIG.
     Config>Ctrl-B four times to retrieve the start of
             the four command sequence in this example-
     Config>event Ctrl-R for REPEAT to set the start of the repeat sequence-
      Config>event Enter
      Event Logging System user configuration
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>display sub les Enter
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>display sub lec Enter
      ELS config>Ctrl-N for NEXT to retrieve the next command in sequence-
      ELS config>exit Enter

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